Two’s Company

Vancouver from my hotel.

We found ourselves in several crowds this weekend.

A 420 festival. Coldplay in concert. Heidi Baker speaking.

One was a gift. One I chose to attend. One we attended unintentionally.

I’ll let you work out which.

I love Vancouver. Loved it more wandering around it with my man.

We ran Stanley Park.

Strolled in the dark.

Lingered over sidewalk drinks.

Photo: Mine

Then broke over Hastings – life on the brink.

Photo: Mine

We decided to spend Friday afternoon outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on Robson Square, grabbing ourselves a table in a prime viewing spot we were ready with notebook and camera to watch the world go by. Until, it seemed the world wasn’t going by anymore – in fact, the world had stopped.

Photo: Mine

Photo: Mine

Crowds gathered and a vaguely familiar aroma filled the air.

Yes – Phil and I found ourselves in the clouds of the annual Vancouver 420 pot-smoking rally.

The crowd grew to thousands as bands and speakers fought for their cause.

We walked home through the crowd.

Saturday evening and we entered another crowd for a night of brilliance at the Coldplay concert. Simply awesome. Emily asked me what people ‘our age’ do at a Coldplay concert. As she wasn’t with us she’ll never know…but you can be sure she would have been embarrassed.

Photo: Mine

Photo: Mine

Photo: Mine

We walked home through the crowd.

We joined another crowd Saturday afternoon. The Collins crowd. Ready to lavish love that a little absence increases.

I stepped into a wild crowd on Saturday night – this time to hear Heidi Baker speak. An amazing missionary who lives in Mozambique with her husband Rolland.  They run a wonderful ministry – orphanages, feeding programs, bible schools, well drilling, health clinics.

The Bakers share God’s love and what His love in action looks like.

She has over a thousand staff. She has thousands calling her Mama. Surrounded by crowds day after day.

A night of wonderful worship and testimonies, and for me the overriding message was intimacy.

Face to face intimacy with God.

Cheek to cheek closeness.

And out of that…you can face your crowds.

Photo: Mine

Photo: Mine

Jesus loved the crowds. He also loved intimacy.

Try and find some face to face time this week.

He is waiting.

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