Saturday Soup 3: Thanksgiving.

Found: This little treasure trove. Thanksgiving treats for us Brits in Canada. Shhhh.


Writing: The relief as I posted my assessments for uni this week! Although $70 postage wasn’t such a relief… as long as I pass (and don’t have to repost…) I’ll be a happy writer.

I move onto poetry. I have always written poetry, the deep, the dark… the fun ode. I look forward to understanding orthometry.  Be prepared for poetic offerings!

Thanksgiving: This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving and Fall is busy repainting the treetops in vibrant colour – the Collins fam are out in nature – breathing and bear hunting, listening and memory making.

I’m giving thanks, living thanks. 

Mark Buchanan wrote in his blog today ‘God lavishes his grace upon us, not that we would bottle it, but that we would channel it. He’s not looking for holding tanks. He’s looking for sluices. Grace abounds so that it might overflow.’

I will spend my weekend around family, friends and turkey. Reminded to be thankful daily – constant and generous.

Reading: ‘For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’ Ephesians 2:10.

The Voice translates this as “heaven’s poetry etched in our lives,” the NLT reads “God’s masterpiece” and the Jerusalem Bible says, “God’s work of art.”

The Greek word for “workmanship” used here is “POIEMA,” and it means “that which is made” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). The word signifies that which is manufactured, a product, a design produced by an artisan. It is the word from which we get our English word “poem.”

We are God’s poem – His work of art. 

Here are a handful of the many poems in my life – those in my thoughts and prayers this week, don’t they make a beautiful piece?

PicMonkey Collage

Let’s try and grasp this verse and understand our worth, beauty and creativity as God’s masterpiece.

Respond with a few words of thanksgiving in comments! Go…

IMG_2903 Taken on Bella’s paper route… finding Him in the ordinary. 



2 thoughts on “Saturday Soup 3: Thanksgiving.

  1. Amazing Shell…….just amazing……they make a beautiful piece……family……friends……my precious ones…..breakthrough……miracles……unconditional love…….thankfull…….I am so thankfull…..God is good!!!xxxxxx


  2. the nearness of my heavenly Daddy, His living Word, His sustenance and protection and provision, thankful!!!!
    a community of believers in kelowna and here in seoul, to encourage and be encouraged by, thankful!
    a friend to travel and share day to day ups and downs with, thankful!
    the pain of being refined, having unnecessary baggage stripped away,thankful!
    the freedom and ‘lightness’ that comes afterward, thankful!
    each new day, each new breath,thankful!

    i could go on… 🙂



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